LYRA 2022 Results
Race Results Trophies and Scoring
Oswego Yacht Club Founders' Cup
Founders' Race East
PHRF-LO First Fleet Corrected
Tack Season
Bob Magin Sodus Bay Yacht Club
Queen City Yacht Club Trophy
Freeman Race
PHRF-LO First to Finish
Panta Rhei X
Glenn Warner Kingston Yacht Club
National Yacht Club Trophy
Freeman Race
PHRF-LO First Div 2 Corrected
Mike Thurley Sodus Bay Yacht Club
Douglas B Jones Trophy
Freeman Race
PHRF-LO Second Fleet Corrected
Mike Thurley Sodus Bay Yacht Club
City of Hamilton Trophy
Freeman Race
PHRF-LO Third Fleet Corrected
Tack Season
Bob Magin Sodus Bay Yacht Club
Whitby Founders Cup
Founders' Race West
PHRF-LO First Fleet Corrected
Jason Evans Brockport Yacht Club
Ashbridges Bay Yacht Club Trophy
Freeman Race
PHRF-LO First Fleet Corrected
J Hawk
Morley Flynn Fairhaven Yacht Club
Tom Taylor Trophy
Freeman Race
PHRF-LO First Div. 1 Corrected
J Hawk
Morley Flynn Fairhaven Yacht Club
John T Mott Trophy
Course Racing
PHRF-LO First Div 1 FS Corrected
Mike Mincher Rochester Yacht Club
PHRF-LO Executive's Cup
Course Racing
PHRF-LO First Div 2 NFS Corrected
Amandla 3
Kevin LeBlevec Pultneyville Yacht Club
John Labatt Trophy
Course Racing
PHRF-LO First Div 3 FS Corrected
Brendan Benson Oswego Yacht Club
PHRF-LO President's Cup
Course Racing
PHRF-LO First Div 4 FS Corrected
Kevin Doyle Youngstown Yacht Club
PHRF-LO Handicapper's Cup
Course Racing
PHRF-LO First Div 1 NFS Corrected
Blue Night
Hank Stuart Sodus Bay Yacht Club
Accommodation Cop
Course Racing
PHRF-LO First Div 2 FS Corrected
J Hawk
Morley Flynn Fairhaven Yacht Club
LYRA Founders' Cup
Course Racing
One Design R Class First
Cliff Walkington Ashbridges Bay Yacht Club
WP Montgomery Trophy
Course Racing
One Design Melges 15 First
Jimmy Barnash Newport Yacht Club
Commodore Gooderham Trophy
Course Racing
One Design 8 Metre Classic First
John Michele Royal Canadian Yacht Club
Centennial Canada Cup
Course Racing
One Design 8 Metre Modern
Jerry Dodge Sodu Bay Yacht Club
Lake Ontario PHRF Bowl
Regatta Champion
J Hawk
Morley Flynn Fairhaven Yacht Club
Kay Heron Trophy
Regatta Champion
One Design
Jimmy Barnash Newport Yacht Club
Regatta Racing Information and Forms 2022

Waiver and Release

Notice of Race
Centennial Race West
All GTA competitors have decided to race the Founders West from Rochester to increase their Chips 3 Highpoint scores in competing for handicap Regatta Champion

Centennial Race East KYC Sailing Instructions

Founders Race West GYC
Sailing Instructions

Founders Race East OYC
Sailing Instructions

Freeman Races
Long and Short
Amended July 25, 2022
Sailing Instructions

Course Racing
Sailing Instructions

8 Metre North American Championship
Sailing Instructions
Regatta Champion Information
How to Become Regatta Champion
The Regatta Champion for handicap fleets will be determined using the Chips 3 Highpoint scoring system for boats that compete in the following Flying Sail races: First a Feeder Race weighted at 0.5. Second the Freeman Race Long or Short weighted at 1.0. Third Course Racing weighted at 2.0. The Chips 3 Highpoint System takes into account the size of the divisions in which boats race.
The Regatta Champion for One Design will be awarded based on performance of the One Design boats in Course Racing. A committee will be assembled to review the results of the competition. The committee will take into account the finishing places and the size of the competing fleets for the candidates for the championship.

Chips 3 Highpoint

Champion Rules
Attachment A of the LYRA 2022 NOR